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This system is for authorized use only. Any activities on this system may be recorded and monitored. Use of this system in excess of authority may result in termination and or prosecution.
Company systems and resources are for authorized users only. By using company-owned devices or personally owned devices to access company systems and resources, you agree to all of the following:
• You should have no expectation of privacy in connection with your use of this system/resource
• You are accountable for following all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies, including but not limited to, the information security acceptable use policy, the code of business conduct, the discrimination and harassment free workplace policy, the overtime policy, the rest and meal periods policy, the information security policy, the information management policy, and the affiliate compliance policy
• This system may not be used for improper activities, including but not limited to, pornography, running a personal business, or gambling
• All company information on the system is company property, including emails, instant messages, and personal files
• Your activities may be monitored, intercepted, recorded, searched, investigated, and disclosed to others, including law enforcement, the US Government, and its authorized representatives
• Your activities may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment
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Português (Brasileiro)